Siksika Family Services

Siksika Shelter

About the Siksika Shelter

On-Reserve Service

The Siksika Shelter mandate is directly related to Chief & Council’s goals of “promoting a healthy lifestyle based on determinants of health” and Siksika Family Services Corporation Board of Directors’ vision of “Strong Families and Strong Communities”.

When the Siksika Shelter opened it was only intended to be a short-term project to prevent another tragedy due to inclement winter weather. As time went on it became clear a structured response and long-term plan was needed to end homelessness on the Siksika Nation.

A five-year business plan was developed with staff, an advisory committee and a member of the Board. Through on-going planning, research, exploration and experience, questions are being answered such as: How do we create and develop a program to end homelessness that is specific to our location and the Siksika People?

The Siksika Shelter has identified five phases of transition to independent housing where progression is client driven with the support of a case manager, existing services within the corporation and existing services available On-Reserve.

Phase one is currently in operation. Phase two is under development making use of research and data collected since the first phase roll out and expertise from partners working to end homelessness in Calgary. Once this plan is in place it will be presented to local Elders for vetting to ensure the program is delivered from a Siksika lens.


Vision Statement

Every community member has a place to call home

Mission Statement

To provide temporary, transitional accommodation, program and services to help community members to become self-reliant


The Siksika Shelter is guided by the following values:

For additional information, please contact:

Director: Pamela Rabbit Carrier
